Education nominations and awards for CCB teachers June 5, 2024

On June 5th, the yearly LUMC ‘Onderwijsprijzen’ were handed out. Several colleagues from CCB were nominated and we are very proud to announce the following award winners:

Education nominations and awards for CCB teachers June 5, 2024

-Maaike Ressing received the award best module bachelor Biomedical Sciences for her module Biomoleculen in the first year bachelor.  

-Leen ‘t Hart was awarded best module bachelor Medicine for his module Cel tot Molecuul, a close collaboration with clinical genetics.

All award winners thanked all the people that are involved in running and teaching these modules. All their efforts are greatly appreciated.

We also would like to acknowledge CCB nominees Roeland Dirks and Arnaud Zaldumbide.

On behalf of the education group, Jolanda vd Zee


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