From left to right: Prof. Pieter Kruit (TU Delft), Prof Bram Koster (LUMC, Leiden), Prof Judith Klumperman (UMC, Utrecht) and Prof Ron Heeren (University Maastricht)
Over 17 million euro is awarded the Dutch network for electron microscopy (NEMI) consisting of five medical centers and eight universities. With the subsidy amount the scientists can , combine and develop different techniques with electron microscopy to learn more about the composition and coherence of the biological and material micro-world. The Leiden-based NeCEN (Netherlands Center for Electron Nanoscopy) and the Electron Microscopy department of the LUMC play a central role in this project. The LUMC uses cryo-electron tomography, a technique in which fast biological samples can be used to make a very accurate 3D image of molecules in their natural state and environment. With the NEMI investment the automation of this technique will be improved so it will enable much faster data acquisition and reconstructions. Also the position of the NeCEN as a national center for electron microscopy will be strengtened with implementation of newest techniques and better linking it with other research groups in the Netherlands.