Dr.Ir. Frank Faas
Dr. Frank Faas (Breda, 1977) is an assistant professor at the Department of Cell and Chemical Biology (previously Molecular Cell Biology) at the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC). He received he received his M.Sc. degree in Astronomy from the University Leiden. He received his Ph.D. in Physics from the Technical University Delft in 2007. His thesis, developed in the group of professor Lucas van Vliet, focussed on the development of image analysis techniques to describe shape and orientation in multi-valued regions. In 2007 he joined the lab of professor Bram Koster to work on various topics connected to electron and light microscopy.
His research interests are in the field of image acquisition, data handling, processing and visualisation mostly targeted towards the field of correlative microscopy. This includes developing methods to obtain large-scale 2D datasets and to handle and visualise this data in a practical manner. Further interests include the development of methods for cryo (integrated) light electron microscopy primarily to bridge the resolution gap between electron on light microscopy and the combination of multimodal datasets.