Ir. Ronald Limpens
Ronald Limpens (1979) studied Molecular Sciences at Wageningen university (M.Sc in 2003). In June 2004 he started to work as a research technician in the section Electron Microscopy. During his period in the department, he got skilled in both (cryo-)SEM and (cryo-)TEM, both 2D and 3D, and in the different preparation methods for these imaging techniques, such as chemical and cryofixation, freeze-substitution, immunolabeling and (cryo-)sectioning (resin-embedded, Tokuyasu and frozen hydrated). His wide range of expertise has recently extended to large volume 3D-EM approaches (i.e. serial block-face SEM and array tomography) and cryo FIB-milling.
Ronald's work focusses mainly on virus replication in cells. He is a member of the team of Dr. Montserrat Barcena.