At the EM facility we have different kinds of electron microscopes and techniques available.
A Talos Arctica cryo-electron microscope is available for cryo-EM imaging and single particle and analysis, cryo-electron tomography and cryo-correlative light and electron microscopy (CLEM) techniques. These techniqeues are use to determine the structure of e.g. proteins, viruses, extracellular vesicles and cellular organelles.
A Tecnai 12 transmission electron microscope is available for TEM imaging of negative stained samples and chemically fixed plasic embedded, stained thin sections. This is typically used to image the morphology of cultured cells, oragnoids and small parts of tissues.
A Gemini scanning electron microscope with 3view is available for SEM imaging of different kinds of samples. This can be done using 'conventional' SEM, in which surafces are imaged, or volume SEM, in which whole blocks of tissues are typically images in three dimensions.
Facility work
Please contact us throught our PPMS management system for a specific project application or via e-mail for more general inquiries. After project registration or initial inquiries an intake meeting will be planned in which the research question will be discussed and a plan for sample preparation and imaging will be made. Our expert support staff will advice and help you with sample preparation and iwill image your samples using e.g. scanning electron microscopy, large scale TEM imaging, immuno-gold labeling, correlative light and electron microscopy, negative staining or cryo-electron microscopy. After the imaging we will discuss the results together. We can also help with interpretation and preparation of the data for manuscripts.
For questions contact Roman Koning by e-mail. For a project application, make a user account on our PPMS management system. If you have a user account send in a project application form in PPMS.
For general inquiries, contact our secretarial office by e-mail or phone (+31)715269200.
Cell and Chemical Biology
Light and Electron Microscopy Facility
Leiden University Medical Center
Building 2, Room R90-08
Einthovenweg 20 Leiden
The Netherlands