
GDF15 as biomarker in Cardio-renal syndrome (CRS). GDF15 is well studied as biomarker in various diseases, as it is associated with severity of disease in cardiovascular dysfunction and renal failure. With help of patient cohorts with HFpEF or dystolic dysfunction and established renal dysfunction we explore the option of GDF15 as biomarker for severity of disease and risk for secondary events. Within this research we take sex differences into account.
GDF15 as target in CRS. With use of mouse models, we try to establish the pathophysiological role and effects of GDF15 in the onset and progression of heart and kidney dysfunction. Can we modulate and intervene?
Exploring the GDF15 pathway in endothelial cells. What is the pathological effect of GDF15 on endothelial cells, is there a role for GDF15 in the onset and progression of endothelial dysfunction (EndMT) which is thought to play the major onset of microvascular dysfunction and HFpEF.
After I studied Biomedical sciences at Utrecht University, the Netherlands, I started working as a PhD student at the Experimental Cardiology in the UMC Utrecht within the group of prof. Gerard Pasterkamp. My Phd project is part of the CVON RECONNECT consortium with the aim to explore if EndMT is involved in CRS and HFpEF and identify new treatment options for this deadly disorder. Within the CVON RECONNECT consortium there is a strong collaboration between the UMC and LUMC. That’s why I am partly doing my research within the cardiovascular cell biology group of prof. Marie Jose Goumans under the supervision of Dr. Gonzalo Sanchez.
Wesseling M, Sakkers TR, de Jager SCA, Pasterkamp G, Goumans MJ.
Vascul Pharmacol. 2018 Jul;106:1-8. doi: 10.1016/j.vph.2018.02.006. Epub 2018 Feb 20. Review. PubMed PMID: 29471141.
Wesseling M, van Koeverden ID, van Lammeren GW, van der Laan SW, Haitjema S, de Vries JPM, den Ruijter HM, de Jager SCA, Hoefer I, Blankestijn P, Verhaar M, de Kleijn DPV, de Borst GJ, Pasterkamp G.
Atherosclerosis. 2017 Nov;266:128-135. doi: 10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2017.09.025. Epub 2017 Sep 22. PubMed PMID: 29024865.
Meeuwsen JAL, Wesseling M, Hoefer IE, de Jager SCA.
Front Cardiovasc Med. 2017 Jul 14;4:44. doi: 10.3389/fcvm.2017.00044. eCollection 2017. Review. PubMed PMID: 28770211; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5509763.
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