Dr. Marijn Peters


My research is focused on developing hypoimmunogenic valves to treat children with heart valve disease. Children born with outflow tract related congenital heart disease need multiple valve replacements in life as implanted valves calcify and are incapable of growth. With my research we aim to develop a durable hypoimmunogenic vital valve with growth potential to minimize the need of re-intervention. To achieve this, I work with an in vitro system using CRISPR-Cas9 to genetically modify human valvular heart cells and valve heart tissue and achieve hypo immunogenicity for safe transplantation. 


Curriculum Vitae:

I did my PhD at the University Medical Center Utrecht at the Cardiology department where I focused on the regeneration of heart muscle tissue after myocardial infarction. During my PhD I spent a short period at the Stanford University (California, USA) in the lab of Mark Mercola as a visiting research scholar to collaborate on in vitro damage simulation and cardiomyocyte proliferation in induced pluripotent stem cell derived cardiomyocytes.

In 2021, I joined the Goumans group and the Hoeben group via the Netherlands Heart Institute as a postdoctoral researcher on the OUTREACH consortium in close collaboration with Bram van Wijk, congenital cardiac surgeon in the Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital in Utrecht.


  • In vivo retention quantification of supramolecular hydrogels engineered for cardiac delivery

    Peters MC.*, Schotman MJG.*, Krijger GJ., van Adrichem I., de Roos R., Bemelmans JLM., Pouderoijen MJ., Rutten MGTA., Neef K., Chamuleau SAJ., Dankers PYW.

  • Non-coding RNAs in endothelial cell signaling and hypoxia during cardiac regeneration

    Peters MC. Sampaio-Pinto V., and da Costa Martins PA.

  • Follistatin-like 1 in Cardiovascular Disease and Inflammation

    Peters MC.*, Meijs TA.*, Gathier W., Doevendans PAM., Sluijter JPG., Chamuleau SAJ., and Neef K.


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