Steve J. Cramer

Job description:

Within the Virus & Stem Cell biology group I am involved in several projects as a research technician.  As a lab manager and project coordinator I take care of finance, administration, stocks and trouble shooting.

Curriculum Vitae:

I studied technical microbiology (Van Leeuwenhoek Institute, Delft) and did courses in financial administration in The Hague (ISBW, Coopers & Lybrand). My internship was at the Genetics Dep. of Leiden university. After a short stint as an account manager at the Foreign Office in The Hague I started my career in science in 1976 at the The Radiobiological Institute (RepGo-TNO) in Rijswijk in the dep. of  Prof. Dick van Bekkum and was involved in cancer research and research on radiation damage. In 1979 I started at the Molecular Genetics Dep. of Leiden university, head Prof. Piet van de Putte, where I worked on gene inversion in bacterial phages and other projects using techniques in mol.biol. and electron microscopy. After a one year intermezzo at the Pathology Lab I continued my career at the Sylvius Lab in the department of Prof Lex van der Eb which changed later on into the MCB department. At first under Dr. Ir. Hans van Ormondt and in due course Prof Rob Hoeben.


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