Jorian Sepers


Within the Pang lab, we aim to better understand the non-coding regions of the human genome, as only 2% of the genome encodes for protein-coding genes, while the function of the remaining portion is relatively unknown. In an effort to discover novel non-coding regulatory elements (NCREs), we have introduced a novel screening method named the Dual-CRISPR system. For my research, I am focused on further refining this system using droplet-based single-cell sequencing technology, which enables a more sophisticated and detailed discovery and analysis of NCREs. I intend to utilize this improved system to further explore NCREs, specifically in the context of hematopoietic development and disease. Ultimately, my research aims to provide insights into the biology of leukemia and blood stem cell differentiation, potentially offering molecular targets for clinical therapies.


I began my bachelor’s degree in Biology in 2013, followed by a master’s degree in Molecular and Cellular Life Sciences in 2016 at Utrecht University, The Netherlands. Throughout both programs, I specialized in cell biology, developmental biology, and genetics. During my master's, I completed two internships. Firstly, I investigated the interdependency between the isoforms of PAR‐3 and PAR‐6 in Caenorhabditis elegans epithelial tissues, utilizing CRISPR/Cas9 technology and live imaging, in the lab of Prof. Dr. Mike Boxem. Secondly, at the University of California, Berkeley, USA, I studied the systemic effects of polarity‐deficient ovarian tumors in Drosophila melanogaster flies in the lab of Prof. Dr. David Bilder. Upon completing my master’s in 2018, I returned to the lab of Prof. Dr. Mike Boxem as a PhD student. In this role, my research centered on studying C. elegans intestine morphogenesis, tubulogenesis, and cell polarity. Additionally, I worked on improving the Auxin‐Inducible Degradation technology. In October 2023, I joined the lab of Dr. Baoxu Pang at the Leiden University Medical Center, The Netherlands, as a postdoc.


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