Assistant Professor

I studied Biology at Leiden University and obtained my PhD on the localization of Fc-receptors in human neutrophil granulocytes using immune-electron microscopy at the Electron Microscopy (EM) section of the LUMC. From 1990 to 1994 I worked on the generation of single-chain bispecific antibodies as a post-doctoral fellow in the group of David Segal at NCI of The National Institutes of Health (Bethesda MD, USA). I then moved to Cleveland (USA) before returning to the Netherlands and filling a post-doctoral fellow position in the group of Ben Wieringa (Nijmegen). There I generated and investigated transgenic mice that lacked the enzyme creatine kinase in brain and muscle. In 1999 I obtained a part research / part teaching position at the department of Molecular Cell Biology (MCB) of the LUMC and studied the movement of GFP-tagged mRNAs in muscle cells of Drosophila embryo’s. After a short interval as program coordinator of the bachelor Medicine at the LUMC, I returned to the department MCB (section Electron Microscopy) on a teaching position. In 2014 I joined the Leiden ‘Teachers Academy’ as an educational innovator. My teaching academy project involved the expansion of the LUMC developed open source, cross browser, web-based software tool to accommodate the teaching of the ultrastructure of cells and tissues using virtual electron microscopy. In 2017, I was awarded the Prof. Dr. Tammeling Prize, which is given annually to the "best lecturer at the LUMC". I am currently developing a peer feedback tool that allows and encourages students to comment on the annotated datasets of fellow students.
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