Senior researcher

My main interests are about how to investigate emergent functional properties in the brain, and specifically how the microscopic networks in the brain shape brain-function. Currently, I am exploring multiple mathematical techniques to establish the functional connections between single neurons in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) in order to create a network and apply network measures. These mathematical techniques can be applied to other hierarchical levels, for example between proteins and genes, or between brain regions. Understanding the interaction patterns that lead to new function will help elucidate how the brain functions and is complementary to investigating the function of the different components of the brain.
I studied computer science and philosophy at the University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. I did my PhD at the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science at the University of Leiden. After my PhD in 2009 I was able to obtain a tenure track at the department of Molecular Cell Biology in the laboratory for Neurophysiology, where I got a permanent position in 2014.
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