Former PhD-student (2019-2023)
Yumeng Wang
I am very interested in functioning of circadian clock. Disrupting this clock promotes the development of severe health disorders, including diabetes, sleep disorders, mood disorders, cardiovascular disease, and immune dysfunction. In my graduate study, I was trained to do some research on circadian rhythm and mood disorders. However, the mechanism under circadian clock and mood disorders is still not clear. I am fascinated on the connection between circadian clock and mood disorders. So I want to go further on this research and find an effective way to fix the clock and alleviate mood disorders.
Curriculum Vitae:
I completed my bachelor in biology at Northeast Agricultural University (China) and finished my master in neurophysiology at Jilin University investigating the connection between circadian rhythm and depression. For my master research I used siRNA specifically to knockdown circadian gene in olfactory bulb and tested behaviour of the animals. In 2018 I joined Johanna Meijer’s group for my PhD study and will focus on the circadian rhythm.
Role of the lateral habenula in pain-associated depression.
Yanhui Li, Yumeng Wang, Chengluan Xuan, Yang Li, Lianhua Piao, Jicheng Li, Hua Zhao et al.;
Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. 2017; 11:31. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2017.00031
• How AMPK and PKA interplay to regulate mitochondrial function and survival in models of ischemia and diabetes.
Jingdian Zhang, Yumeng Wang, Xiaofeng Liu, Ruben Dagda&Ying Zhang et al.;
Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity .2017: 4353510. doi: 10.1155/2017/4353510
Meijer Lab / Circadian Clocks