
Taking advantage of my organic chemistry background I will work on the development of chemical tools from small inhibitor targeting key role enzymes, proteasome probes to Ubiquitin and ubiquitin-like (SUMO, NEDD8, heterochains) protein derivatives which I will use to conduct the necessary biochemical and chemical biology experiments aiming at deciphering the Ubiquitin Code.
I am interested also in the development of assay reagents and better assays to shed light on the molecular features which remain in the dark making use of the expansive expertise of the team.
I obtained my Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry at the University Complutense of Madrid (UCM). In my final year I moved to Wroclaw, Poland under the Erasmus programme to carry out my final thesis in the design of new 2.1.1 dioxatriphyrins and I specialised in organic chemistry.
After this I continued my education with a Master’s in Organic Chemistry at the UCM where I joined the MedChemLab where I worked on the development of chemical probes for the identification of the molecular targets of cannabidiol, where my curiosity about the realm of medicinal chemistry was piqued.
Currently, I am joining the Huib Ovaa’s laboratory as a recipient of a ESR Marie Skłodowska-Curie ITN project UbiCODE to pursue my PhD in where I will gain further knowledge about the vast Ubiquitin Proteasome System (UPS).
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