
Being an organic chemist, I have committed most of my research on developing novel synthetic methodologies to the development of unnatural amino acids, back bone modified peptides. During my Ph.D., I worked on the Ugi multicomponent reactions (MCRs), novel synthesis of aminoalkyl thiols and its applications, Further I also studied the selenoxopeptides which are a novel class of isoelectronic replacement of peptide bond. My postdoctoral work at the Prof. Dömling laboratory, I examined the power of MCRs for the robust synthesis of tubulysin family of natural products and other novel peptidic molecules. I am very fortunate to have had an additional experience to work on radiochemistry laboratory (PET Chemistry) of Prof. Elsinga on the synthesis of 11C-labelled tubulsyin conjugates for PET studies. During my second postdoctoral studies in Dr. Aucagne's laboratory, I studied synthesis of diversified macrocyclic analogs of the endogenous neuropeptide kisspeptin 10 (KP10), to improve the parent peptide pharmacological properties of terms of (1) resistance to proteolysis (2) potency and (3) selectivity for its receptor GPCR54. During my stay as a “Marie Curie/Le Studium” Fellow, I pursued on developing novel amide bond-forming reactions (ligation reactions) towards protein chemical synthesis.
I received my Ph.D., in peptidomimetic chemistry at Bangalore University, India., on the discovery of novel synthetic methodologies towards unnatural amino acids and backbone modified peptides. Then I joined as a postdoctoral fellow under the supervision of Prof. Dömling at the University of Groningen, The Netherlands. My work was focused on the development of novel multicomponent reactions for total synthesis and peptidomimetics. In 2016, I jointly worked with Prof. Elsinga at the University medical College Groningen on radiochemical synthesis of tublulysin conjugates. As a journey from small molecules to natural products, in 2017, I joined for another postdoctoral work in Dr. Aucagne's laboratory at the CNRS, France, studying the development of novel macrocyclic analogs. In 2019, I obtained Marie Curie/Le Studium” fellowship working on the discovery of novel chemoselective ligation reactions in the context of protein chemical synthesis. In September 2020, I joined Prof. Huib Ovaa laboratory as a researcher on EubOPEN project.
As of August 2023 Vishwa continued his researchpath at AstraZeneca - Londen (UK)
Vishwanatha, T. M.; Giepmans, B.; Dömling, A.
Org. Lett. 2020, 22, 5396 – 5400.
Vishwanatha, T. M.; Bergamaschi, E.; Dömling, A.
Org. Lett. 2017, 19, 3195 – 3198.
Montoir, D. ; Amoura, M. ; Abasa, Z. E. A. ; Vishwanatha. T. M. ; Yen-Pon, E. ; Robert, V. ; Beltramo, M. ; Piller. V. ; Alami, V. ; Aucagne, V. ; Messaoudi, S.
Chem. Sci. 2018, 9, 8753 – 8759.
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