Research Technician/Lab manager

Starting in 1994 I supported the research of Dr. Josephine Dorsman, studying the (differences in) oncogenic properties of the adenovirus type 5 and adenovirus type 12 E1 proteins.
Since 2003 I work in the group of Dr. AG Jochemsen, during the years supporting the research of various PhD students and post-docs and acting as lab manager.
I studied Biochemistry at the HLO Utrecht, for which I did my internship at TNO Zeist on the subject of using RFLP-analysis and PCR-fingerprinting for identifying and differentiating Salmonella strains. After graduating in 1994 I started as a technician for Dr. Josephine Dorsman in the laboratory of Molecular Carcinogenesis of Prof. Dr. A.J. van der Eb (Leiden University).
In 2003 I started working in the group of Dr. A.G. Jochemsen.
Laurie, N.A., Donovan, S.L., Shih, C.S., Zhang, J., Mills, N., Fuller, C., Teunisse, Quarto, M., Francoz, S., Mendrysa, S.M., Guy, R.K., Marine, J.C., Jochemsen, A.G., Dyer, M.A
Nature 444, 61-66, 2006.
Hollestelle, A., Nagel, J.H., Peeters, , de Leeuw, B.H., Zwarthoff, E.C., Teunisse, A., van der Spek, P.J., Klijn, J.G., Dinjens, W.N., Ethier, S.P., Clevers, H., Jochemsen, A.G., den Bakker, M.A., Foekens, J.A., Martens, J.W., and Schutte, M.,
Breast Cancer Res Treat. 121: 53-64, 2010.
Renier Heijkants, Amina Teunisse, Jelle de Vries, Huib Ovaa and Aart Jochemsen.
ACS Chemical Biology, in press.
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