orcid.org/0009-0008-0337-4784 d.g.b.van_der_geest@lumc.nl

My research interests are all-over the place, from microbiology, viral, bacterial to oncology as long it is tied to translational research in some way. Nonetheless, I am currently working on unravelling the molecular mechanism behind ubiquitin signaling in immunity.
Curriculum Vitae:
My education originates here, in Leiden at the Hoge school where I studied Biology and Medical laboratory research. Concluding my bachelor with an internship at the VUmc Cancer Centre Amsterdam (CCA) , focusing on CAR-T cells and CRISPR-screens motivated me to pursue a Masters at the VU. Where I studied Biomedical sciences specializing in Immunology and infectious diseases. During which I completed two six-month internships, starting with Organovir at the AMC. Here, we investigated specific gene involvement into Parechovirus type A infections. Secondly, we worked on CRISPR organoid development to investigate infection routes. My last internship was conducted here in the LUMC at the Joosten group (INZI), where we focused on the effects of repeated exposure to mycobacteria on airway epithelial models. Since August 2024, I function as a Research Technician within the Vertegaal group.
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