
I’m interested in SUMOylation and cancer. SUMO is as a posttranslational modifier regulating cell cycle progression. Sustained proliferative capacity is a hallmark of cancer. Inhibiting SUMO in cancer cells could reduce their proliferative capacity and SUMO inhibitors could potentially evolve as novel therapeutic option in cancer. My focus is on in vitro and in vivo capacity of SUMO activating enzyme inhibitors and their potential to halt cancer cell growth. Focussing on the mechanisms of SUMO in cell cycle progression, we are investigating several target proteins including the APC/c which is a key regulator in mitosis.
I studied Molecular Nutrition and Toxicology at Wageningen University, the Netherlands. I conducted my master internship at Stony Brook University in New York, USA. At Stony Brook University I was part of the Molecular Cell Biology department and researched the role of FABPs in prostate cancer progression. Since, October 1st 2017 I work as a PhD-student in the lab of Alfred Vertegaal, investigating the role of SUMO signal transduction in cancer.
Kroonen, J. S., & Vertegaal, A. C. O.
Trends in Cancer, 2020
Yatskevich, S., Kroonen, J. S., Alfieri, C., Tischer, T., Howes, A. C., Clijsters, L., Yang, J., Zhang, Z., Yan, K., Vertegaal, A. C. O., & Barford, D.
Cell Reports. 2021 34(13), 108929.
Kroonen, J. S., Kruisselbrink, A. B., Briaire-de Bruijn, I. H., Olaofe, O. O., Bovée, J. V. M. G., & Vertegaal, A. C. O.
Cancers. 2021 13(15), 3823.
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