
Welcome to the LUMC Protein Facility, a dedicated hub that offers state-of-the-art infrastructure for protein production and purification, as well as biophysical and structural characterization.

We offer comprehensive support from gene to structure, guiding you through every step of your experiment from protein expression and purification to in-depth analysis and interaction studies.

LUMC researchers as well as external academic researchers and companies can submit project proposals directly to the facility which will be discussed in terms of costs and feasibility.

Don’t hesitate to contact us, we can help you to streamline your research and deliver impactful results.

The LUMC Protein Facility is part of P4EU – Protein Production and Purification Partnership in Europe (link). We're also embedded within the Lamers group, sharing labspace, knowledge and interest in protein science!

For internal (LUMC-network) users, access our wiki page here.
Looking for the equipment booking page? Go to PPMS.



Robbert Kim
Robbert Kim

Gabriella Collu


Protein Facility
Office: S01-036
Tel: +31 (0) 71 52 68701

Department of Cell and Chemical Biology (CCB)
Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC)


Collaborate with us

Looking for information on one of our topics, a new place to conduct your research or experienced research to join forces with?  Feel free to contact us.!

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